Tag Archives: plan

How to Choose the Right Boat Plan to Fit Your Needs

Are you ready to build your own boat? If you are looking forward to many joyful days of being outdoors, watching hard work and care turn into a fine boat you’ll spend even more joyful days in, now is a good time to give it a try. A big reason for that is the fact that you can use the Internet to get a huge start on your boat-building project. The Internet is full of boat-making information; everything from advice on building materials and techniques to the […]

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Boat Plans: What You Must Know Before Choosing One

Building your own boat can be cheaper than buying a manufactured boat. It can also be a great hobby for anyone who has some basic carpentry experience and enjoys working with their hands. A boat that you have made yourself can be a thing of pride and beauty and something to treasure for years to come. Of course, it takes a good deal of time and, though not as much as you would spend on a premade boat, a decent amount of money. Considering this, you certainly […]

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The Easiest Way to Build Your Boats

Have you been thinking about building your own boat, but think it may be too much hassle? Don’t give up on your dream just yet! It is true that boat plans can be pretty complicated. No matter how passionate or enthusiastic you may be about having a boat made by your own hands, it won’t make up for being stuck with a boat plan you simply cannot follow. Luckily for you, there’s MyBoatPlans.com. Master Boat Builder Martin Reid shares his 17 years of boat building experience with […]

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